Thursday, December 4, 2008

The SPEIDI Honeymoon!

Hey you guys!! I know I didn't post yesterday but!! I have a huge and beautiful gossip.. or a big one.. as the size of Heidi's fake boobs!!.. yes..
Well.. listen.. as I already posted on November, Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt got merried right?..but here are some pics from their honeymoon!!... ohhh I love it!!! isn't that like a begining from a porno movie!!
Yep... the beautiful and romantic couple went to Mexico last week and look at those pretty pics they got!!
Aww you guys should totally give a look at the secong pic.. wow!! what an erotic moment!!.. well.. honeymoons are for that right?.. but.. jesuscrist! look at Heidi's face!.. ummm pretty funny or....?.
Well.. actually in the first and second pictures they look pretty in love.. yes.. a good thing they still "love each other" even thought Heidi's mom hates Spencer and wants him away from her daughter. Lmao! What would mommy think about these pics?
Heyyy! and by the way, the didn't just take pictures they got it on video!!! haha wow!!.. I totally would pay for watch it and laught for a while.
Well.. ppl, just relax and enjoy!... these pics would make your day... I hope you like them.. well.. i mean.. not like them like "I love theeeem!", but.. lol "They are ridiculous!"
Love, Gossip

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