Monday, January 5, 2009

Back home! :)

Hey you ppl...

i'm so bored today, Jesus, kill me.. my vacations were good.. I came back from Ontario last week and now i'm back home. Here in LA!.. good eh?..

yup.. well while I was in Ontario I met one of my old high school friends.. and omg let me tell you.. what a loser! she was wearing a freaking grandma shirt.. it was sooo funny!.. yeah..

Anyway.. I made some new golds for this year..

  1. Kill my exboyfriend
  2. Continue being a rockstar
  3. Go back to Ontario.. my beautiful city
  4. Kill my exboyfriend
  5. Learn another lenguage
  6. Continue recording good music
  7. Kill my exboyfriend
  8. Go to Greece
  9. Meet a hot guy and marry him.. lol
  10. Kill my exboyfriend

That's it that's all..

Love, Gossip

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Kill your exboyfriend lol