Sunday, April 19, 2009


Hey thereee!.. ok so here's my story. On saturday morning some of my friends came over and we were in party mode, so we were like.. hey we should do a tea party and stuff. And.. even if it sounds gay.. we had a blast lol. We set up everything and we served the tea and stuff... but then Kate decided to add some vodka to the tea cups. We didnt know at first.. she did it sniky.. omg after we had a drink we were like.. wtf!! it tastes awesomeee!!.. but we didnt know there was alcohol in our tea cups. Everytime we wanted more and more.. lol.. not knowing that we were having alcohol since 11am!. At 3pm we were weasted.. we did know that we had alcohol after our looks in the mirrow so we decided to carry on!.. what else could we do?.. omg.. we countinued drinking till 6pm.. (not tea.. hard licor) and I don't remember what else happened after that.

The next day.. it means.. TODAY!.. I woke up and ok.. guess who was in my bed!!... yuper.. that's right.. JORDIE!!!!!!!.. and now.. I can't tell you more.

Love, Gossip

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love tea! and your story too even thought i dont know jordie :P